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Our Famous Free Shoots

     Our next free group shoot has been set for Sunday October 20th, 2024 at 7:30am in Manhattan.
     Dress in your great fall looks and take advantage of those Autumn Colors because this will be outdoors starting at Chambers Street in Manhattan.  Come Shoot Ready. 

This Shoot is open to Models, Designers, & Photographers.  We are meeting up at 7:30am at City Hall Park between Broadway and Warren Street.

Contact us to be added to the Group WhatsApp Chat

email: or dm us @kennyvnyc or @iamthegoodlord.

Frequently Asked Questions in regards to our free photo shoots
-What is that all about? Our free photo shoots are real. We do it to generate future paid business and test techniques
-When are they held? Usually we try to do them about once a month, usually on the weekends
-Where are they held? Usually outdoors (weather permitting), all over the New York City Tri-State area
-Do you have a Studio? Yes, in Harlem and Staten Island in New York City
-What is the catch? The catch is we provide nothing to you other than web-sized images within four weeks of the shoot. No cd or dvd containing full size images will be provided. No Make-up artist will be provided. No Clothing Designers, Clothing Stylists, or Hair Stylists will be provided. No clothing or props will be provided. No retouching of images. These items all cost money. If we were to provide them for free, we would lose money and then we would be out of business.
-What does websized mean? The images will be large enough to send via email, post on your Facebook, Instagram, and for any other world wide web use. However, they will not be large enough to print out with clarity.
-Can I purchase a CD with the Full Sized Images suitable to print? Yes
-How do I participate? Send an email to: The Title of your email should be "Next Free Shoot". Include your real Name and your Modeling name. Include your Height/Weight. Include your Contact Number (we need this to confirm attendance and just in case we have to cancel the shoot). Include your website if you have one. Tell us what type of shoot or images you would like. *If you are under 18, you MUST bring a parent or guardian with you to the shoot.
-How often can I attend the Free Photo Shoots? As many times as you want
-Can I bring an escort? Yes. Try to limit it to one person
-How many pictures will I get? Usually at least twenty images per look, per photographer
-What do I bring? We will let you know the theme and clothes to bring via email
Please email or call us for more information...

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